A little bit of Heaven (27)

Bănița Gorge

cheile banitei romania, .jpgPHOTO CREDIT: Pinterest

Bănița Gorge are one of the most spectacular gorges in Romania. They can be found in Hunedoara county.. 

With much Love,





8 thoughts on “A little bit of Heaven (27)

  1. In a Love world that paragraphed was so good to read..unconditional love is the Rd to happiness..mmm that’s what is missing on my Rd to happiness I’ve been trying to work it out for 20 years..Thank You.

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    1. In my opinion, as long as an individual loves himself, he can love All, and that love is the unconditional one … 🙂 It can take long, longer, it depends by his road of life. Thank You for your read and comment! Manuela


    1. Să nu îți fie rușine deloc că nu știi unde se află, pentru că nu putem ști totul … Din contră, fii mândră că ai descoperit ceva, ce îți face plăcere! Îți mulțumesc din suflet pentru timpul acordat și să ai parte de tot Binele pe care ți-l dorești, în fiecare zi! 🙂

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